
Summer is here!

First day of summer here, school is out!! Yea!! We had big plans for the day,starting with swim team practice and running all over town, here and there, but it is cold (58 degrees) and rainy, so practice was canceled. I’ll take the change in schedule though, it puts us at a more relaxed pace, which is certainly welcomed, especially on the first day of summer.:)

On a totally unrelated topic, I found out last week I have hypothyroidism. I started medication yesterday and hope it will help eventually. I have been feeling extremely tired and despite my serious diet efforts, hadn’t seen any results. I know the tiredness has effected my creative efforts too. I just haven’t been motivated to create. In hindsight, that should have been another clue something was wrong with me. That also does a little to explain my absence here. I love blogging and yet, I haven’t had it in me recently. Actually, it’s nice to know all of this lack of “doing” isn’t my fault. I am a “doing” kind of person and I’ve been feeling kind of empty because my drive for “doing” has drifted away. Glad to know it will return. I’ll make it my new mission!

So as to not leave you empty handed as far as visuals today. Here is a layout I failed to share a few weeks back. It was for a fabric challenge. I love doing challenges. It’s good to shake things up creatively.

Well, since I have time for a cup of tea, I’m off to do that!

Thank you for subscribing to Paper Daisy Designs. Please continue reading on the blog. I appreciate having you as a reader.

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