I’m so happy to see the sun! Ever since our snow fall two weeks ago, we’ve had pretty much gray skies. It’s finally warming up too and the snow has melted completely.
I didn’t share any snow photos at the time, but now seems like as good as any. I had to laugh at Miles and Emily both of them wore their ski goggles the first day they sled in the frigid weather. While it was cold and windy, I thought they looked a little goofy sledding in goggles. 🙂
Sledding is just so much fun! Needless to say I’ve been collecting snow related supplies to scrapbook these photos and more. 🙂
A couple times I took the kids up to the front of the neighborhood where there’s a huge hill. The snow was still really good on the side of the hill, but once you hit bottom the sled stopped and you just kept on going!!
Anyway, thought I’d share these fun photos. Back to work on some more Christmas layouts and enjoying the sun shinning through my studio window!
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1 Comment
lisa truesdell
January 20, 2010 at 10:55 pmdefinitely the plus side to snow – these pics are too fun!