
Another Menu Plan Monday on Tuesday

Back again on a Tuesday for Menu Plan Monday.

We are currently in the middle of an all day snow storm.  School was closed yesterday, as well. due to the ice we had over the weekend.  By mid-morning yesterday, I was able to get out to do some shopping in preparation for the snow storm.

Here’s a look at this week’s chalkboard.

Monday: Chili and Fritos

Tuesday: White Chicken Enchilada Casserole

Wednesday: Church

Thursday: Italian Pizza Soup

I’m combining the best of two really good soup recipes. I have a feeling the results will be delicious. I’ll share next week.

Friday: Leftovers, we have a Youth Group retreat at church this weekend and will be in and out.  Not sure who will be home when. I do know we have at least one group bunking at our house. I better get some snacks!

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday:  Sundried Tomato Risotto
This is back on the menu this week, because last weekend we got iced in and I had all the ingredients to make this except the Arbrio rice.

I’ve got a new recipe to share this week too!  I mentioned last week I was in the mood for come Curry Chicken with Vegetables.  Here’s a look at what I came up with.  I served mine over julliane zucchini, while my daughter served it over rice.  Fantastic!

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