My first big project will need to be shared another day because I need to go and photograph all the pieces in the client’s dining room. Yes, you are reading that right. I painted or refinished every piece of her dinning room suite. And to do the whole job justice you must see it all together. It’s an amazing transformation. Really it is. You’ll see.
So, what I’m sharing today was the last piece I did for hire before the weather tuned cold. You see, even though we live in the Midwest, we don’t have a basement. Being from the Louisiana, we just didn’t see the need for one when we moved here. We were perfectly happy to buy a two story without a basement and a big garage. Ignorance I tell you. I wish I had known how convenient it would be to have all that storage and work space. But I guess it’s a blessing to have winter’s off right?
Without further running on and on about the virtues of a basement, here’s the before. It’s a really nice antique buffet in mint condition. You’ll notice I took this photo in my foyer. It was a little too cold on the first day of painting, so I had my guys move it in here. That’s one of the great things about Annie Sloan Chalk paint. No fumes, no odors. You just had to walk around this big ole piece to come in. 😉
This is before buffing, but after using clear wax and a little dark wax in areas.
Here is a close up of what I consider mild distressing. I try and hit the areas that would most likely be worn by everyday use.
Emperor’s Silk is an amazing red. In my opinion, it is nearly the perfect deep red. Not too orange, a little blue undertones, but not overly. It’s just stunning. Definitely worthy of it’s royal name. And it definitely gives this buffet, that looked a little on the country side, a whole new life.
Here is the piece before we delivered it to my client.
Ever since I’ve painted this piece I’ve been wondering what I could paint this color in our house. Red is one of my all time favorite colors. If red is a color choice for a sweater, or anything really, I gravitate to the red first. 🙂 I still have bits of red in my living room that I can’t decide if I want to get rid of or not. We’ll see. Probably not.
Sharing here:
Shabby Creek Cottage Transformation Thursday
Savvy Southern Style
Miss Mustard Seed Furniture Feature Friday
1 Comment
Debbie @ MeandMyDIY
January 18, 2013 at 2:31 amSo pretty Leslie! You did a great job on it. I have a little sample pot of Emperor Red that I haven't tried out yet. I'm going to have to break it out now! Can't wait to see the dining room you did. Enjoy your weekend!<br /><br />Debbie