So happy that I can say that summer is finally here!! We’ve had some beautiful weather recently and it feels like summer!! I noticed on the way to church Sunday morning how blue the sky was. Just a perfectly lovely day yesterday.
Emily had her big elementary school graduation on Friday and she is very happy to be moving on to middle school.
We are very proud of her and know she will really shine at her new school. (I’m really hoping she’ll be happier too! Can I tell you how extremely tired we were of listening to her complain about the same kids in her class day after day? I’m really hoping the shuffling of kids around each hour will help with this. )
After graduation we took her out to lunch and I must admit it is hard for me to grasp the fact that she is now a middle schooler and her time in elementary school has ended. So very bittersweet for me, and of course, it made me feel old. ;}
Then Friday night we had our 3rd Annual Ice Cream Social in the cul de sac. What a fun tradition!! So good to visit with neighbors and kick off the summer. Oh, and the homemade ice cream and goodies are always good! Kids were swarming the circle on scooters and bikes, but I think their favorite part of any neighborhood event is hide and go seek in the dark!! They love that!!
On Saturday, the Miles and Emily were busy with their friends and so it ended up that Richard and I went to the pool by ourselves. It was really kind of weird- It felt like a cross between a date and a mini vacation. 🙂 Not long after we were at the pool the whistle was blown for adult swim, so we both hung out at the beach end of the pool and just chatted without swarms of children running around. Nice time to relax and hang out before he left the next day for work.
I finished this layout over the weekend. Definitely feel like I’m coming out of the too busy and rushed creative rut I was in at the end of the school year.
I’ve wanted to use this masking technique with mists for a while now and it seemed appropriate to highlight the mileage from his Half Ironman!
Supplies: Patterned Paper: Studio Calico, GCD Studios, Sassafrass. Stickers: Studio Calico, October Afternoon. Stamps: Studio Calico & Hero Arts. Mask created with Making Memories Slice- Fa la la card.
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