Miles’ standard response to “How was your day?” is “Good”. So that was a welcome change.
Well, actually Miles’ day ended fairly lousy when he walked out to the truck to find it plastered in not one, but three parking tickets! It took him a while to realize it was only a parking ticket and not something to be overly concerned about. He, and all the other sophomores who drove to school yesterday, parked in the wrong direction. I think it’s totally unfair for the police to actually ticket on the first day, much less give more than one. They were teenagers focused on getting to school for goodness sake! Oh well, it’s been noted and I’m sure it won’t happen again.
After school, Miles drove himself to swim team practice. (Can I tell you how much I’m NOT missing driving all the way across town to the pool?)
Emily, who recently started playing on a U13 competitive soccer team, had a scrimmage with another U14 team on the same league.
A few weeks ago her team scrimmaged the other U14 team and got creamed. This week, they really held their own. The game ended in a tie 3-3. They looked pretty good. Her team is newly formed so they are still getting to know each other, finding their positions, etc. Emily is really happy with her coach and her team in general, so that’s what counts.
I am extremely happy I was able to put together a carpool with three other families. If I thought the pool was far from our house, this practice field is really the furthest distance possible inside the city limits from our house.
Here’s to hoping the second day goes just as well, minus the parking tickets!
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