First off, I have to do a little shameless mommy bragging. Richard and I attended a picnic for Emily’s 6th grade team on Friday afternoon. The weather was fabulous and it was a great time to meet her new friends, teachers and parents. At the end of the picnic the teachers announced the first VIP students of the year. (The award was based on being a good roll model for behavior, acts of kindness and the like and it was an award they didn’t know about.) Each teacher picked one student, so there were 6 kids picked out of 125 students. The last name called was our very own Emily!! We are always so proud of her and we were thrilled to see her recognized for the thoughtful and kind person she is! She’ll have some special privileges that go with her title. I’m sure she’s going to love that!
Saturday morning we headed out early for a Personal Best 5k Run sponsored by our church. Crisp weather and a chance to run our personal best on the trail. Can’t go wrong there. I don’t have our times yet, but we all ran pretty good. Richard and Emily ran together and finished soon after I did. Which is awesome, considering it was Emily’s first 5k and Richard hasn’t done much running since his Ironman due to an injury.
The backs of our shirts carried my favorite verse from Hebrews 12:1b-2a
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
After a quick lunch, we were off to Emily’s soccer game. She had an amazing first half. She was really going all out and aggressively attacking the ball. During the second half she got knocked down pretty hard and physically and mentally crashed. Bless her heart. It was only 1 pm and she’d given her all.
Miles was in Kansas City for an overnight swim meet. He continues to improve his time and do his best. It was good to have him home earlier than he has been the previous couple of weeks.
Saturday night was spent with friends on their deck. It was a great night to just sit around and enjoy the fall air.
The problem with all the beautiful fall air I inhaled Saturday, arose on Sunday with sneezing and itchy nose. Why is it that when the weather is so nice and it’s just a beautiful time to be outside enjoying the fall, that it’s the worst time for my allergies? It’s just not fair. I’m not looking forward to our first freeze, but I know my sinuses will gladly welcome it.
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1 Comment
October 21, 2010 at 7:45 pmOh my GOODNESS! I hadn't heard about Emily's news. CLAP, CLAP, CLAP … tell her we are so proud of her.