Last night we went with friends to Cooper’s Landing for Thai food. Well, thankfully they also had bbq for the rest of my family to eat. 🙂 It’s right on the river. Lovely sunset! Good food and good company!
Last weekend the kids and I went on a bike ride with a group from church along the Missouri River. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while and really would like to do it again. It’s so beautiful.
I actually completed three layouts since I last posted!!! I was on a roll. 🙂
And I don’t want to forget that last week Emily and I had a wonderful Mom/Daughter time in Kansas City. The purpose for the trip was to see the Jonas Brothers in concert, but we shopped and so enjoyed our time together. I loved that in between all of the fun there were lots of “Thanks mom.” and hugs and kisses. 🙂 I had made it my mission during the concert to take all the photos I could for her. Given the fact I could only bring my point and shoot, I was happy to get a few good ones. I focused mainly on photos of Nick since he is her favorite.
We’ll be taking on more trip soon so I’ll be away from the blog again.
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