Busy? Well, that’s obvious. Everyone is busy these days. In addition to a good bit of graphic design work, I’ve completed, well about 98% completed, the room makeover I hinted to a while back. It’s looking smashing. 🙂 It’s functional and we all love it! I’ll be sharing soon. I promise. Lots of DIY stuff to share.
Scary? Well, that is still an on going deal. Our daughter, Emily, suffered two concussions while playing soccer. Because the two events were within 3 weeks of each other she has been dealing with “concussion syndrome“. The only real treatment for this is cognitive rest. No tv, no cell-phone, no computer, etc. She has been out of school, as part of her recovery, for nearly 30 days now. She has tried to go half-days off and on, but the stimulation triggers her headaches. She is improving, albiet very, very slowly.
Fun? Life is fun. Right? I have been trying to just enjoy life and it’s been good to back off the blog a bit. I’ve been missing it and really do want to return and find a balance between living life and blogging. Redoing that room was so much fun and since Emily has been around a lot, she’s become my co-designer. That has been a lot of fun.
So, besides all that, where can you find me? I’m pretty addicted to Pinterest. (See my follow me button in the side bar.) I try and find at least a few minutes each day, mostly in the evenings to explore and find inspiration. I am an inspiration junkie!!
The boards I’m loving the most right now?
The style related ones. I love getting inspirations for outfits. Because most of the photos are regular people, I think it’s better than a fashion magazine. It’s been good to push myself to try new color combinations and hone in on the styles I like to wear.
I’ve also been doing some hand lettering on chalkboards. (And of course, following those pins on Pinterest.)
Here’s my fall mantle. I loved doing it. Brings me back to hand lettering days for Journalism/Advertising classes. I went even bigger for my Christmas mantle. I’ll share that next time. 😉
Well, I guess I’ll end here. Emily just woke up, found me on the computer and said she might pass out because I’m ACTUALLY blogging. Ha, ha!
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