The running commentary at my house is- “What do you want for dinner?” The thing is I really enjoy cooking, but deciding what to cook is a a struggle. I thrive on variety. I ask this at our house often also because it’s nice to know you are cooking something they want. 🙂
I had planned to make Pulled Pork Sandwiches tonight, but we got home late this afternoon after church, lunch and errands and had to be back at church early for youth activities at church. So there just wasn’t enough time. That left me with throwing something together with some ground meat I had just bought. I asked DH “What do you want for dinner?” and he said, “Tacos or you know that layered thing you make.” So, problem solved. I set off later to fix a Mexican Lasagna but didn’t have enough cheddar cheese. I did have some Velveeta, so that got me thinking….I went to my dusty, rubberbanded stack of recipe cards (most of my recipes are on the laptop now) and found this recipe I had either made up or modified called, “Richard’s Taco Bake.”
Here’s the recipe. It’s at my cooking blog called ” What’s Cooking at the Davis'” I just realized I need to add a link to the side. 🙂
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