I can’t believe I let so much time pass before I finished sharing the Rooms of Hope with you all. Sorry about that. The process of finding and securing a house for upcoming move was kind of all consuming.
Here’s a quick look back at the rooms I had a small hand in helping make over. The baseball room, where I made a custom themed headboard. You can see the complete details here.
For the Car themed room I designed a custom headboard out of some interesting elements. Check out that post here.
Generally, the idea is to make over one room for a deserving person in the community to provide them with a room filled with hope as they recover from an illness.
This time the recipient asked for rooms for her twin boys, instead of herself. Well, the decorator Sherry Hockman, knew that leaving the apartment with the mother’s room undone was just not acceptable. I think she created a wonderful retreat for such a loving mother.
I love how bright, happy and sophisticated the room looks.
There was even room to make a cozy reading, sitting area.
But the best part about today’s post is this video of the family’s big reveal. I’m certain it will fill your heart with great joy.
Room of Hope February 2014 from Columbia Home Magazine on Vimeo.
And I especially love the boys’ reaction to their mother’s room. So very, very sweet.
I should be back to a more regular posting schedule now that I can safely say we have a house under contract. After the most exhausting house hunting experience including two failed attempts, we are all feeling very blessed and lucky to have found such a great home. Of course, we’ll put our own stamp on it, but it’s has great charm and character already. Stay tuned!!
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