Here is a look at this week’s menu board.
Monday: Spinach and Chicken
This one was supposed to be made last week, Spinach and Artichoke Chicken. Like I said we ended up with plenty of food in the fridge. And then, I didn’t realize I was out of artichokes and only had chicken breast cooked until it was too late. So I added a bit of leftover cajun sausage. It was delicious addition, if not quite the recipe. I made a few more changes that I think were a good addition, as well. I’ll have to share after I can make it again with artichokes.
Tuesday: Chicken Cordon Blue with Spicy Cajun Sauce
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Shepherd’s Pie
I seriously need to reshoot this recipe. It’s so much better than it looks here.
Friday: One Pot Chicken & Bacon Ranch Pasta
I can tell Emily follows my Yummy Pinterest board because, recently when I’ve asked her what she wants for dinner she responds with my most recent pins. Ha!
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: French Dip Sandwiches
Okay, so we were supposed to have this last week, we’ll see if we can get it done this week.
Okay, now that we’ve got the menu out of the way. What’s going on with that kitchen remodel?
Well, the beams and crown molding were caulked last Friday. During that process, I over-worked my shoulder, so I haven’t gone back to paint the bead board ceiling or the crown yet. It’s on the agenda for Tuesday.
I also finally caulked the space between the tile and the backsplash last week. I must admit, that is a booger to do well. I think my fingers are just to small to run along the caulk like you see others do. I somehow remove more caulk than necessary ever-single-time.
After I finish painting the ceiling, I’ve got a few touch ups to do on the window casing and a few spots on the walls.
I’m also debating the idea of hanging a shelf along the top of the tile around the hood.
Initially in the kitchen design I sketched out in my head and on my iPad, I had shelves on both sides of the hood to display dishes, but there just isn’t really enough space.
You can see in the photo above I also need crown along the side of the cabinet. The angle is really funky so I’m hoping I can get our carpenter to come back to do this piece and one other.
So maybe, just maybe, I can get all this done this week?? We’ll see.
Please weigh in on your thoughts about a shelf on top of the tile. I’d love to know what you think, so leave a comment below!
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