I promise I’ve been quiet for good reason. I’m knee deep in projects, both in the studio and the garage.
My studio looks like this right now and this is probably the clean side of the room. Ha!
The good news is I finally found fabric that I love for my Living Room Refresh. I had been working on pillows with the fabric I had bought online previously, but they were not singing to me and so I was being rather pokey.
But on a recent trip to “the big city”for a doctor’s appointment my daughter and I got to do some shopping both at an awesome fabric warehouse and the outlet mall. Shopping can definitely turn any day into a good day.
I wish I had the time to get these fabrics whipped up into pillows, but instead I’m out in the garage.
And the garage is looking a little scary right now. When I’m working on too many projects at once, it starts to look like this. I know this drives poor hubby insane, but such is the life of a DIY’er.
The exciting part for me is the table you see on the left is going into an “extreme makeover” project a designer friend of mine and the local home magazine. The room is being totally made over for a very deserving cancer patient. The big reveal is on Monday, so I’m working at a pretty intense pace to get this project finished.
I hope to share photos of the room next week. Stay tuned!!
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