Crafty / Mantles / Styling the Home

Cheerful Winter Mantle & Winter Scene Printable

For the last few years, in the transition away from Christmas decor I’ve elected to style my mantle with a winter theme, as kind of a celebration of winter.

The beauty of winter was not much of a reality growing up in Louisiana, but living in the Midwest gave me a new perspective.  While the winters were long and often brutal, the beauty of fresh fallen snow and icicles hanging from trees was something I never tired of.

Now, living in Alabama, it’s unlikely we’ll see much snow.  I know my neighbors are hoping to never experience the dreaded “snowpocalypse” again. Regardless, I figured a little fake snow and my favorite winter photo were in order to carry on the tradition.

When I picked up these adorable birds on clearance at Target, I knew without a doubt I wouldn’t be skipping the winter mantle this year.  How can you look at these adorable, bundled-up birds and not smile?

Then, I added a collection of old books, pinecones and a few of photographs of the children in the snow.

Literally tying the whole look together is a handmade star garland from a shop in Columbia, Missouri that specializes in supporting free trade artisans.

During Christmas, I loved the look of this tray full of antique and mercury glass ornaments on the peninsula between the kitchen and living room. So, I outfitted it with a little snow and removed the blue ornaments and added my favorite candle, Capri Blue Volcano Mercury Candle. (affiliate link)

Here’s to cherishing the season of winter wherever you are! And to share the celebration with you I’m sharing my photograph with you as a free printable.

Just take it to your local Staples and have it printed as an engineer print.  It will cost you less than $5.

For a 16×20 version, click here to download.
For a 24×36 version like I have on my mantle, click here to download.
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If you’d like to know the story behind the tree and the details on this special photoshoot, 
you can read about it here
If you’d like to see the other ways I decorated my winter mantle using this photo click here.

SHARING HERE: Vintage Inspiration Party
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