Welcome back to this week’s installment of the One Room Challenge. If you need to get caught up on the details of how I’m making over a room in just 6 short weeks you can start here. Of course, none of this makeover goodness would happen without our fearless coordinator Linda at Calling it Home. Be sure to check out what she and the other designers did this week, here.
The week ended with a bit of regret that I don’t have more completed projects to share. Although this photo below makes it look like things are really shaping up, this would be the only good angle I’ve got.
As far as any changes from last week, you might notice the addition of the lanterns and the “new” more proportionally sized coffee table. A table that I’m still not quite sure is the right color. Input appreciated!!
My undecided color is a definite improvement on the stark black. And those handy, but obnoxious wheels…yeah, they came off fast!
What I’d like to share today is a quick look back through the progress we’ve made overall on our porch since we moved in. Join me on this little trip down memory lane, would you?
The porch was dingy, the screens were terribly torn, the whole thing needed a good coat of paint, especially the ceiling, and we had issues with the door swing. But worse than the awkward door swing that required you to step down after opening and then back up to actually walk through, it was extremely sticky and had to be man-handleled every time you opened it.
It didn’t take long before the replacement of the back door moved swiftly to the top of the reno-priority list. And since we were custom ordering a door, we were able to change the way it opened. Ah, this is so much better.
I still need to paint the outside of the door to match the trim. That’s on the list of things to complete before the reveal.
You also might have noticed in the first photo we painted the bead board ceiling a lovely “haint blue” color. Actually, it’s a more subtle version of haint blue, Sea Salt, by Sherwin Williams. It happens to be the wall color in the kitchen, just on the other side of that door.
The porch was wired for string lights and we debated for quite some time on style and exactly how to hang them. We ended up going with a very clean and uncluttered approach with rope LED lights. They provide a nice glow at night, yet are hardly noticeable during the day.
So, in addition to the projects that still need completing on the outdoor patio portion of the makeover, I need to address this side of the screened porch. The corner table needs to be painted and I have some pillows to sew.
To get a recap of what needs to be done on the outdoor patio you can read this post.
Be sure to check out my tutorial for the DIY Modern Trapezoid planters here.
I’ve got some major work to do in the next two weeks, as well as some big decisions to make. But I am so pleased with the way it’s all coming together, even if it’s only one side of a room!
April 23, 2015 at 4:42 amJealous of your progress it is going so well. I agree the coffee table color is a huge improvement. I think it looks great! What a beautiful spot to enjoy as the summer comes!
April 23, 2015 at 7:02 amLianna,
Thanks! We love our porch and it is coming together, if only this one side. Going to need to plan an outdoor party when this is done!
Reviving Charm
April 23, 2015 at 6:14 amWOW! This is looking great. I remember seeing the space at week 1 and was very curious to see what direction you took. This is coming along together so well.
April 23, 2015 at 7:03 amThanks!
April 23, 2015 at 6:24 amAmazing job. Looks fantastic!
April 23, 2015 at 8:07 amI think your porch looks fabulous! Love the addition of the lanterns.
Natasha at The Simply Luxe Life
April 23, 2015 at 9:21 amI just love the planters you made! And the ceiling paint color is beautiful in the room. You’ve made great progress – good job!!!
April 23, 2015 at 9:31 amThis is looking so good! I love the haint blue ceiling, and that table! What a find!
Marty@A Stroll Thru Life
April 23, 2015 at 3:01 pmOh wow, what a fabulous transformation. This space is already stunning. Love it all.
April 23, 2015 at 4:25 pmYour porch is looking great! I love the colors and the light, airy feel. Can’t wait to see the final reveal!
Cindy DIY beautify
April 23, 2015 at 6:10 pmThis looks so restful and beautiful! I love the colors, I would paint the coffee table either a dark linen (to match the sofa) or turquoise. Good luck with the last two weeks!!
April 23, 2015 at 7:04 pmI would paint the coffee table something unexpected. Maybe coral or even red.
April 25, 2015 at 8:47 amOh, Mary coral would be fun and I’ll keep that in mind. For now though, I really want to create a more quiet space. I do have a few more layers of texture and pattern to add in. I think it will be enough to keep it from being boring.
Linda @ Calling it Home
April 24, 2015 at 4:52 amI like the idea of a pop of color on the coffee table, too. You are in the home stretch. Well done!
April 24, 2015 at 1:16 pmIt’s all coming all very nicely! I would love that table to be the same color as your ceiling!
Kim Macumber
April 27, 2015 at 9:13 amYou are going to be basking in the beauty of this porch all summer!! It looks great … I vote for a pop of color as well on your coffee table!